


Eco-Schools is a national programme which empowers pupils within schools to lead change within their school and have a positive impact in their wider community. At Yarm, Eco-Schools is embraced by the whole school with a regular programme of activities, meetings and an annual Eco-Week.

Our Award success

Yarm School joined the Eco-Schools programme in 2009 and is one of a few schools in the North East of England to achieve Green Flag Award six consecutive times.

To achieve the Green Flag Award we first had to gain the Bronze Award and Silver Award. We last achieved the The Green Flag Award in 2023 and Jessica Jennings, an eco friendly artist, came in to present the award. This is our 6th Green Flag and we are continuously working towards our next one throughout the school year.

Eco-Schools at Yarm

Each tutor group, from First Year to Upper Sixth has an Eco-rep who attends regular meetings and represents the views of their tutor group on Eco-matters. At meetings the Eco-reps discuss ideas, aims and initiatives which can include organising events, speaking to their tutor groups about initiatives, designing posters, organising fundraisers etc.

Environmental awareness is embedded throughout Yarm School and all pupils and staff are involved in Eco Week: through sports competitions, reducing food waste campaign in the Dining Hall, meat-free Monday and Eco-Assemblies. Students also had the opportunity to make bee feeders out of clay and bird feeders to put in their garden.

Different departments within Yarm School also embrace our commitment to the environment and the annual fashion show includes an Eco-Garment Competition in which pupils create outfits made from recycled materials. There are recycling bins around school in visible locations, these bins were provided after the Eco-Schools Council put in a bid to the school’s social committee. Other recent initiatives include a Crisp Collecting Campaign, Cut your Carbon initiative and the Senior School pupils working with the Prep School to carry out beach cleans at Redcar. (see the gallery below).

As a leading Eco-School, the Co-ordinator at Yarm, Mrs Gina Leary, has previously spoken at a training event for other Eco-Schools Co-ordinators about how best to gain their Green Flag Award and to talk through some of Yarm School’s initiatives. Our pupils have also had work published on the Eco-Schools website and we were praised for all the work we did towards our 6th Green Flag Award.

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